Welcome to Ornamentology
Here you will find hats & accessories for the discerning, hints & tips together with the usual ramblings, akin to the steampunk and alternative cultured gentle-person. It's the place where creativity is positively encouraged and commissions are boldly undertaken so dive in and take a peek......
oh and there's a shop too, copy this link into your browser and see whats new...

---------------------------------- FRESH off the BLOCK!
Gail offers a wide range of hatting {millinery} services. She is on a one woman quest to banish badly fitting and uncomforable hats, from the world of steampunk. To this end; Gail will gladly measure your head and fit your hat. Just drop into her pop up hat shop for a free consultaion.
Should you wish a commissioned piece go to the Contact Gail page and let's get started.
There is now a sumup store for you to revel in the delights, Click the shop button and take a peek into the world of ornamentology...
How to measure your head...
How to get your correct hat size. It starts with the correct measurement of your head and here is a revised little vlog to help you. If you have any questions please just ask....